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Discovery Health Channel

Works: 36 works in 36 publications in 1 languages
奶嘴、窒息與曬傷 = Choking : a cautionary tale by: Discovery Health Channel (Projected and video material) , [製作]
另類醫學 = Alternatives Uncovered 6 : 頭痛/健康食品 by: Discovery Health Channel; 協和國際多媒體公司 (Language materials, printed)
新世紀醫學 = 21st Century Medicine 1- Operating in the Future : 手術新知 by: 協和國際多媒體公司; Discovery Health Channel (Projected and video material)
認識乳癌.1 = Breast Health:Check and Balances : 預防與檢查 by: 協和國際多媒體公司; Discovery Health Channel (Projected and video material)
兒童智商能培養嗎? = Nature vs. nurture : does IQ matter by: Discovery Health Channel (Projected and video material) , [製作]
認識乳癌.3 = Breast Health:Breakthroughs : 重大突破 by: Discovery Health Channel; 協和國際多媒體公司 (Projected and video material)
另類醫學 = Alternatives Uncovered 5 : 戒毒/心理治療/減壓 by: 協和國際多媒體公司; Discovery Health Channel (Language materials, printed)
兒童為什麼吸吮姆指 = Thumbs up to thumb sucking by: Discovery Health Channel (Projected and video material) , [製作]
新世紀醫學 = 21st Century Medicine 5: Body Perfect : 整形革命 by: Discovery Health Channel; 協和國際多媒體公司 (Language materials, printed)
認識流行性感冒 = Is it a cold or something else? by: Discovery Health Channel (Projected and video material) , [製作]
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