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Works: 16 works in 16 publications in 1 languages
檢查整合 = Putting it all together by: 劉時寧 (Projected and video material) , [譯]
耳.鼻.及喉部 = Ears, nose, and throat by: 劉時寧 (Projected and video material) , [譯]
心臟 = Heart by: 劉時寧 (Projected and video material) , [譯]
血管 = Blood Vessels by: 劉時寧 (Projected and video material) , [譯]
頭.頸及淋巴系統 = Head and neck and lymphatic system by: 劉時寧 (Projected and video material) , [譯]
胸腔與肺部 = Chest and lungs by: 劉時寧 (Projected and video material) , [譯]
皮膚.毛髮.及指甲 = Skin,hair,and nails by: 劉時寧 (Projected and video material) , [譯]
女性生殖系統與直腸 = Female Genitalia and Rectum by: 劉時寧 (Projected and video material) , [譯]
乳房及腋下 = Breasts and Axillae by: 劉時寧 (Projected and video material) , [譯]
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