台灣特有種牛樟芝(菇)(Antrodia cinnamonea)子實體(...


  • 台灣特有種牛樟芝(菇)(Antrodia cinnamonea)子實體(牛樟木)最新標準暨正確學名與國際首次舉辦中央研究院2014藥用菇類台灣牛樟芝國際研討會之實錄 = Fruiting body's standards and the correct scientific name of Niu-Chang mushroom Antrodia cinnamomea(on clinnamonum kanehirai) endemic in Taiwan and the original record of 2014 international symposium and workshop on Taiwan medicinal mushrooms: Antrodia cinnamomea
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Fruiting body's standards and the correct scientific name of Niu-Chang mushroom Antrodia cinnamomea(on clinnamonum kanehirai) endemic in Taiwan and the original record of 2014 international symposium and workshop on Taiwan medicinal mushrooms: Antrodia cinnamomea
    Author: 粘銘昌,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 林裕霧,
    Place of Publication: 臺北市
    Published: 台灣食藥用菇菌類生技學會,台灣牛樟芝菇菌產業聯盟;
    Year of Publication: 2014[民103]
    Edition: 初版
    Description: [6], 58面圖 : 28公分;
    Subject: 牛樟芝 -
    Subject: 臺灣 -
    Notes: 部分內容英文
    ISBN: 9789868984622
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
00359940 前棟3F一般圖書區(圖書館) 3F General Monographic Collections (Front Building) 一般圖書 一般圖書 (Book) 414.3407 8365 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0 SDG3
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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