

埃及 = Egypt : 永恆之路; quest for eternity
納粹與希特勒 = Nazix:the occult conspiracy
Atkinson, Tracy
亞歷山大大帝 = Conquerors-Alexander th great
亞歷山大大帝 ((Alexander, the great, 356-323 B.C.))
by: 亞歷山大大帝 ((Alexander, the great, 356-323 B.C.))
末代沙皇 = Last of czars-death of the dy...
舞王 = Lord of the dance
哈德曼 ((Hardman, Ronan))
by: 哈德曼 ((Hardman, Ronan))
彼得大帝 = Conouerors-peter the great
Clarke, Philip
拿破崙 = Conouerors-Napoleon Bonaparte
拿破崙 ((Napoleon I., Emperor of the Foench, 1769-1821))
by: 拿破崙 ((Napoleon I., Emperor of the Foench, 1769-1821))
甘迺迪之死 = The end of Camelot
甘迺迪 ((Kennedy, John F.(John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963))
by: 甘迺迪 ((Kennedy, John F.(John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963))
火焰之舞 = Feet Of Flames
哈德曼 ((Hardman,Ronan ))
by: 哈德曼 ((Hardman,Ronan ))
穿越摩洛哥 = Eco - Challenge: Morocco I :...
Neeson,, Liam
吃遍天下 = World Class Cuisine- Italy 2 ...
Kavanaugh,, John
吃遍天下 = World Class Cuisine : Italy 3...
Mckenzie,, Mickey
法國古堡 = Great castles of europe-Chamb...
Oosten, Ageth van
神秘古堡 = Great castles of europe-Glami...
西藏禁地 = Tibet's hidden kingdom : 闖入中國...
The National Geographic Society
失落的印度廟宇 = Mysteries of Asia : the lo...
Discovery Communications, Inc
健康又長壽 = Living better, living longer
Barratt, Colin
禿頭真相 = The bald truth
Streb, Kirk
精神分裂症 = Schizophrenia:stolen minds, ...
Wiener, Leslie
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