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Kleinman, Arthur.

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 2 languages
Soul of care: the moral education of a doctor/ by: Kleinman, Arthur. (Language materials, printed)
The illness narratives :suffering, healing, and the human condition / by: Kleinman, Arthur. (Language materials, printed)
SARS in China :prelude to pandemic? / by: Kleinman, Arthur.; Watson, James L. (Language materials, printed)
The illness narratives :suffering, healing, and the human condition / by: Kleinman, Arthur. (Language materials, printed)
照護的靈魂哈佛醫師寫給失智妻子的情書 / by: Kleinman, Arthur.; 凱博文 ((Kleinman, Arthur)); 聯合線上股份有限公司; 王聰霖 (Language materials, printed)
Social suffering / by: Kleinman, Arthur.; Das, Veena.; Lock, Margaret M. (Language materials, printed)
What really matters :living a moral life amidst uncertainty and danger / by: Kleinman, Arthur. (Language materials, printed)
Writing at the margin :discourse between anthropology and medicine / by: Kleinman, Arthur. (Language materials, printed)
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