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Works: 1 works in 27 publications in 1 languages
揭開強者過人特質的研究(VOD版) = What makes some of us strong? by: DW-Transtel; Grun, Anna; Wagner, Luise; NDR; 華格納 ((Wagner, Luise)); 葛倫 ((Grun, Anna)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
顛覆「眼見為憑」的腦科學研究(VOD版) = The truth? It's all lies! by: Zahlten, Christopher; DW-Transtel; 札爾騰 ((Zahlten, Christopher)); 伊隆納葛倫曼影片製作公司; Ilona Grundmann Filmproduction (Projected and video material) , [製作]
大自然的療癒之法 = How nature heals. 2; 2. 伊斯蘭療癒之道; paths to Islamic healing - a German doctor's quest by: Neuhoff, Ulli; SWR; 紐霍夫 ((Neuhoff, Ulli)); DW-Transtel (Projected and video material) , [製作]
傳統療法神奇治癒效果的研究(VOD版) = The secret of healing powers by: 佛斯提契 ((Faulstich, Joachim)); DW-Transtel; Faulstich, Joachim; HR (Projected and video material) , [製作]
大自然的療癒之法 = How nature heals : 中國的療癒藝術. 1; 1. 陰與陽; yin and yang - the Chinese art of healing by: Graebert, Jochen; DW-Transtel; NDR; 葛雷伯特 ((Graebert, Jochen)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
大自然的療癒之法 = How nature heals. 4; 4. 安地斯山脈的醫者; the Andean healer - secrets of the Kallawaya doctors by: SWR; Wartmann, Thomas; 賴德卡尼 ((Ladkani, Richard)); DW-Transtel; Ladkani, Richard; 華特曼 ((Wartmann, Thomas)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
大自然的療癒之法 = How nature heals. 3; 3. 結晶的療癒能力; the healing power of crystals by: 齊默芒 ((Zimmermann, Lothar)); DW-Transtel; Zimmermann, Lothar; MDR (Projected and video material) , [製作]
大自然的療癒之法 = How nature heals. 6; 6. 以水蛭進行疼痛治療; pain therapy with leeches by: Gabelt, Stefan; DW-Transtel; Oval Filmemacher; 克斯特 ((Kirst, Michaela)); Kirst, Michaela; 加貝特 ((Gabelt, Stefan)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
大自然的療癒之法 = How nature heals. 5; 5. 毒藥-劑量決定一切; poison - it's all in the dose by: DW-Transtel; 桑赫特 ((Sonhuter, Beatrice)); BR; Sonhuter, Beatrice (Projected and video material) , [製作]
大自然的療癒之法 = How nature heals. 7; 7. 沙漠藥房; the desert pharmacy by: 拜克曼 ((Bachmann, Daniel Oliver)); 約斯特 ((Jost, Rolf)); Jost, Rolf; DW-Transtel; Emotion; Bachmann, Daniel Oliver (Projected and video material) , [製作]
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