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Works: 17 works in 17 publications in 1 languages
咖啡.Espresso教科書(精華版) = The text coffee and espresso by: 永瀨正人; 高詹燦 (Language materials, printed) , [編集]
瞬間擁有蜜桃美肌 : 9位美容專業醫生Q&A 170 by: 侯詠馨; 永瀨正人; 伊藤美樹 (Language materials, printed) , [編集]
日本話題店的創作料理最新菜單 by: 永瀨正人; 沙子芳 (Language materials, printed) , [編集]
日本人氣名店真情帶領你如何煮出一級棒的咖啡Technology by: 永瀨正人 (Language materials, printed) , [編集]
日式拉麵.沾麵.涼麵技術教本(進階版) by: 永瀨正人; 沙子芳 (Language materials, printed) , [編集]
人氣主廚的沙拉&沙拉醬 by: 永瀨正人; 劉靜元 (Language materials, printed) , [編]
最新人氣飲料&餐後甜點 = Drink parfait dessert : 人氣飲料點心製作祕訣大公開 by: 沈曉琴; 永瀨正人 (Language materials, printed) , [編]
頂級義大利麵.披薩技術教本 = Pasta & pizza by: 永瀨正人; 楊鴻儒 (Language materials, printed) , [編集]
超人氣名店的西點 by: 永瀨正人 (Language materials, printed) , [編集]
最新佐料、醬汁&綜合調味料 : 創造新風味, 挑戰新口感! by: 永瀨正人 (Language materials, printed) , [編輯]
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