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戴維斯 ((Davis, John))

Works: 12 works in 21 publications in 6 languages
火線勇氣 = Courage under fire by: Singer, Joseph; Friendly, David T.; 辛格 ((Singer, Joseph)); 佛蘭德里 ((Friendly, David T.)); Davis, John; 羅森布倫 ((Rosenblum, Steven)); Rosenblum, Steven; 齊維克 ((Zwick, Edward)); 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)); Zwick, Edward (Projected and video material) , [製片]
怪醫杜立德4 = Dr.Dolittle 4 by: Shapiro, Craig; Manis, Brian; 夏比洛 ((Shapiro, Craig)); 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)); 曼尼斯 ((Manis, Brian)); Davis, John (Projected and video material) , [製片]
市場行銷實務的61個關鍵指標 : 運用鍵續效指標, 提昇市場行銷競爭優勢 by: Davis, John; 子云; 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)) (Language materials, printed) , [著]
怪醫杜立德3 = Dr.Dolittle 3 by: Davis, John; Thorne, Rich; 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)); 梭爾 ((Thorne, Rich)) (Projected and video material) , [製片]
藝用解剖全書 by: 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)); 徐焰; Simblet, Sarah; 席姆伯特 ((Simblet, Sarah)); Davis, John; 張燕文 (Language materials, printed) , [攝影]
怪醫杜立德 = Dr.Dolittle by: 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)); Thomas, Betty; 辛格 ((Singer, Joseph M.)); Teschner, Peter; 陶邁斯 ((Thomas, Betty)); 佛蘭德里 ((Friendly, David T.)); Davis, John; Singer, Joseph M.; 提契納 ((Teschner, Peter)); Friendly, David T. (Projected and video material) , [製片]
怪醫杜立德 = Dr. Dolittle by: 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
波普先生的企鵝 = Mr.Popper's penguins by: Davis, John; 葛琳 ((Green, Bruce)); 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)); Water, Mark; Green, Bruce; 華特 ((Water, Mark)) (Projected and video material) , [製片]
生命快車 = The express by: Steinkamp, William; 麥金利 ((McKinley, Padraic)); 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)); McKinley, Padraic; 史坦坎普 ((Steinkamp, William)); Fleder, Gary; 弗雷德 ((Fleder, Gary)); Davis, John (Projected and video material) , [製片]
萌牛費迪南 = Ferdinand by: Saldanha, Carlos; 沙丹哈 ((Saldanha, Carlos)); Davis, John; 戴維斯 ((Davis, John)) (Projected and video material) , [製片]
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