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勒納 ((Lerner, Ed))

Works: 15 works in 15 publications in 1 languages
慢性病照護(VOD版) = Chronic care by: Lerner, Ed; 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); Lerner, Ana Christina (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
心律不整(VOD版) = Heart rhythms : arrhythmia by: 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); Lerner, Ed; Lerner, Ana Christina (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
白內障(VOD版) = Cataracts by: Lerner, Ana Christina; 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); Lerner, Ed (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
牙周病和口腔衛生(VOD版) = Dental health by: Lerner, Ana Christina; 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)); Lerner, Ed (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
眼睛黃斑病變(VOD版) = Macular degeneration by: 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); Lerner, Ed; Lerner, Ana Christina (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
褥瘡和癒合不易的創傷(VOD版) = Pressure ulcers by: Lerner, Ana Christina; 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)); Lerner, Ed (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
骨質疏鬆症最新療法(VOD版) = Osteoporosis : new treatment for bone loss by: Lerner, Ana Christina; 布魯強 ((Buruchian, Bob)); Lerner, Ed; Buruchian, Bob; 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)) (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
如何控制糖尿病(VOD版) = Diabetes : taking control by: Lerner, Ana Christina; 布魯強 ((Buruchian, Bob)); Lerner, Ed; Buruchian, Bob; 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)) (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
心臟病(VOD版) = Heart disease by: Lerner, Ed; 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)); Lerner, Ana Christina (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
類風濕性關節炎最新療法(VOD版) = Rheumatoid arthritis : talking control by: Lerner, Ana Christina; 勒納 ((Lerner, Ed)); 勒納 ((Lerner, Ana Christina)); Buruchian, Bob; Lerner, Ed; 布魯強 ((Buruchian, Bob)) (Projected and video material) , [執行製作]
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