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戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt))

Works: 5 works in 8 publications in 5 languages
神鬼認證 = Bourne Identity by: 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); 李曼 ((Liman, Doug)); 波登特 ((Potente, Franka)) (Projected and video material) , [主演.]
瞞天過海 = Ocean's thirteen : 13王牌 by: 賈西亞 ((Gould, Elliott)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); Gould, Elliott; Clooney, George; Pitt, Brad; Damon, Matt; 索德伯 ((Soderbergh, Steven)); Pacino, Al; Soderbergh, Steven; 克隆尼 ((Clooney, George)); 帕西諾 ((Pacino, Al)); 彼特 ((Pitt, Brad)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
痞子逛沙漠 = Gerry by: 桑特 ((Sant, Gus Van)); Affleck, Casey; Wolf, Dany; 艾夫列克 ((Affleck, Casey)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); Sant, Gus Van; Damon, Matt; 沃爾夫 ((Wolf, Dany)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
縮小人生 = Downsizing by: Damon, Matt; 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); 潘恩 ((Payne, Alexander)); Payne, Alexander; Wiig, Kristen; 薇格 ((Wiig, Kristen)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
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