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達柳 ((Daru, Saul))

Works: 6 works in 12 publications in 2 languages
會下金蛋的金鵝 = The golden goose : 學習知足常樂(中英雙語版) by: 達柳 ((Daru, Saul)); Daru, Saul (Language materials, printed) , [繪圖]
獅子與奴隸 = The lion and the slave : 學習善待別人(中英雙語版) by: 達柳 ((Daru, Saul)); Daru, Saul (Language materials, printed) , [繪圖]
愚蠢的黑鸝鳥 = The foolish blackbirds : 學習分享和合作(中英雙語版) by: Daru, Saul; 達柳 ((Daru, Saul)) (Language materials, printed) , [繪圖]
小鹿與烏鴉 = The deer and the crew : 學習關心和幫助朋友(中英雙語版) by: 達柳 ((Daru, Saul)); Daru, Saul (Language materials, printed) , [繪圖]
狐狸與獅子 = The fox and the lion : 學習謙虛和與人相處(中英雙語版) by: Daru, Saul; 達柳 ((Daru, Saul)) (Language materials, printed) , [繪圖]
狼與驢子 = The wolf and the donkey : 學習用智慧化解危機(中英雙語版) by: 達柳 ((Daru, Saul)); Daru, Saul (Language materials, printed) , [繪圖]
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