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特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas))

Works: 12 works in 24 publications in 2 languages
我遇見一位好老師 = Aimer par coeur. 4. 情深無怨尤(VOD版) by: 拉瑞 ((Lary, Pirre)); Lary, Pirre; 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)); Traube, Nicolas (Projected and video material) , [製作]
我遇見一位好老師 = Samsam l'innocent. 7. 代罪羔羊(VOD版) by: 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)); Traube, Nicolas; Karcher, Christian; 卡榭 ((Karcher, Christian)) (Projected and video material) , [製片]
我遇見一位好老師 = Tu m'avais promis. 12. 陽光依舊(VOD版) by: Traube, Nicolas; Favart, Michel; 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)); 法瓦爾 ((Favart, Michel)) (Projected and video material) , [製片]
我遇見一位好老師 = Le boulard. 10. 柳暗花明(VOD版) by: 莫朗松 ((Melancon, Andre)); 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)); Traube, Nicolas; Melancon, Andre (Projected and video material) , [製片]
我遇見一位好老師 = Angelus de coeur. 6. 寬恕之鐘(VOD版) by: 黑尼慢 ((Heynemann, Laurent)); Heynemann, Laurent; Traube, Nicolas; 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)) (Projected and video material) , [製片]
我遇見一位好老師 = Le mot de passe. 8. 春風化雨(VOD版) by: 貝杜賽利 ((Bertuccelli, Jean-Louis)); Bertuccelli, Jean-Louis; 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)); Traube, Nicolas (Projected and video material) , [製片]
我遇見一位好老師 = Concerto pour guillaume. 5. 琴韻心聲(VOD版) by: Ertand, Jacques; Traube, Nicolas; 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)); 艾爾托 ((Ertand, Jacques)) (Projected and video material) , [製片]
我遇見一位好老師 = Une seconde chance. 3. 父女情深(VOD版) by: 馬克斯 ((Marx, Gerard)); Marx, Gerard; 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)); Traube, Nicolas (Projected and video material) , [製片]
我遇見一位好老師 = Vanessa la petite dormeuse. 9. 破繭而出(VOD版) by: 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)); Triboit, Philippe; Traube, Nicolas; 帝波 ((Triboit, Philippe)) (Projected and video material) , [製片]
我遇見一位好老師 = Les chiens et les loups. 1. 撥雲見日(VOD版) by: Luciani, Francois; Traube, Nicolas; 魯西尼 ((Luciani, Francois)); 特勞貝 ((Traube, Nicolas)) (Projected and video material) , [製片]
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