• 別讓身體老得比你快! : 每個人都做得到, 讓內臟變年輕
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Title Information: 每個人都做得到, 讓內臟變年輕
    Author: 大野誠,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 洪玉樹,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 牧野直子,
    Place of Publication: 臺北市
    Published: 大是文化;
    Year of Publication: 2008[民97]
    Edition: 初版
    Description: 109面彩圖,表格 : 23公分;
    Series: Easy
    Subject: 食譜 -
    Subject: 減重 -
    Notes: 附錄:減重記錄表
    ISBN: 978-986-83711-4-9
  • 2 records • Pages 1 •
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