青春啦啦隊 = Young at heart : grandma che...


  • 青春啦啦隊 = Young at heart : grandma cheerleaders
  • Record Type: Projected and video material : monographic
    Paralel Title: Young at heart
    Title Information: grandma cheerleaders
    Author: 楊力州,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 李行,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 李烈,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 陳漢典,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 陳淑麗,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 黑人
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 隋棠
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 楊貴媚,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 蔡岳勳,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 豬頭皮
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 膝關節
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: ELLA
    Place of Publication: 臺北市
    Published: 後場音樂;
    Year of Publication: 2011[民100]
    Edition: VOD版--012307CD
    Description: 1張數位影音光碟(105分)有聲,彩色 : 4 3/4吋;
    Subject: 電影片 -
    Online resource: http://mod.lib.kmu.edu.tw
    Notes: 國語發音, 中、英文字幕
    Summary: 一群高雄的阿公阿嬤,捨棄舒舒服服的搖椅,拋下台灣連續劇踏出家門,在炎炎夏日中,阿嬤換上迷你裙,阿公袒露小白肌,組成一支史上最高齡的美式啦啦隊!這群「超齡」成員記不住舞步、跟不上拍子,左邊右邊傻傻分不清楚,秘訣是靠著旁邊的鄰居「拉著跑」!不論晴天雨天、不顧腳痠骨頭痛,他們盡情扭腰擺臀,揮灑熱情汗水。然而一個千載難逢的邀約演出、一份突如其來的健檢結果,讓機會與命運同時降臨在這支千歲啦啦隊上,一場笑淚交織、充滿愛與勇氣的訓練就此展開。
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
012307CD 後棟2F視聽區(公播版) 2F Audio-Video Area Public (Rear Building) 視聽資料 多功能影音光碟(DVD) DVD 987.83 8664 2011 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0 SDG4
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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