語系/ Language: 繁體中文

Two interventions to considerPOLST a...
CMI Education Institute.


  • Two interventions to considerPOLST and NODA /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-投影資料、錄影資料、電影片 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Two interventions to consider/ PESI HealthCare ; presented by Judy Dobson.
    其他題名: POLST and NODA /
    其他題名: 安寧照護專輯.
    其他作者: Dobson, Judy.
    出版者: Eau Claire, WI :PESI HealthCare, : c2011.,
    版本: 公播版--014409CD
    面頁冊數: 1 videodisc (ca. 86 min.) :sd., col. ; : 4 3/4 in.;
    附註: A video recording of a seminar presented at the 2011 National Conference on End of Life Care.
    提要註: POLST (Physician orders for life-sustaining treatment) is a bright pink form reflective of a patient's advance directive. This is a voluntary document that communicates a patient's preferences for end-of-life treatment across treatment settings. It can clarify wishes for full or limited interventions when the patient is transferred from one setting to another for any reason. NODA (No One Dies Alone) is a program that uses volunteers to sit with dying persons when they have no one else to be with them. It was designed for hospitals, but can be adapted to any setting. At the completion of this self-study package, you will be able to understand the differences between advance directives, living wills, and POLST, list 2 benefits of using the POLST form in your state, and describe 2 reasons why no one should die alone.--Publisher description.
    標題: Advance directives (Medical care) -
    ISBN: DVD :
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
014409CD 後棟2F視聽區(公播版) 2F Audio-Video Area Public (Rear Building) 視聽資料 多功能影音光碟(DVD) DVD WY152 T974 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0 SDG3
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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