語系/ Language: 繁體中文

Hematology, immunology, and infectio...
Yoder, Mervin C.


  • Hematology, immunology, and infectious disease : neonatology questions and controversies
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    劃一題名: Neonatology questions and controversies.
    副題名: neonatology questions and controversies
    合作者: Ohls, Robin K.
    合作者: Polin, Richard A.(Richard Alan), 1945-
    合作者: Yoder, Mervin C.
    出版地: Philadelphia
    出版者: Saunders/Elsevier;
    出版年: c2008.
    面頁冊數: xv, 294 p.ill. :
    集叢名: Neonatology questions and controversies
    標題: Immune System Diseases -
    標題: Hematologic Diseases -
    標題: Communicable Diseases -
    標題: Neonatology - methods -
    標題: Infant, Newborn -
    ISBN: 1416031588
    內容註: Stem cell facts for the neonatologist / Mervin C. Yoder -- Current issues in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of neonatal thrombocytopenia / Matthew A. Saxonhouse, Martha C. Sola- Visner -- The role of recombinant leukocyte colony-stimulating factors in the neonatal intensive care unit / Robert D. Christensen -- Why, when, and how should we provide red cell transfusions to neonates? / Robin K. Ohls -- Controversies in neonatal thrombotic disorders / Marilyn J. Manco-Johnson -- Practical approaches to the neutropenic neonate / Akhil Maheshwari -- What evidence supports dietary interventions to prevent infant food hypersensitivity and allergy? / David A. Osborn, John Sinn -- Toll-like receptor responses in neonatal dendritic cells / Stanislas Goriely ... [et al.] -- Maternally mediated neonatal autoimmunity / Neelufar Mozaffarian, Anne M. Stevens -- What insights into human cord blood lymphocyte function can be gleaned from studying newborn mice? / Cheri D. Landers, Subbarao Bondada -- Influence of passive antibodies on the immune response of young infants / W. Paul Glezen -- Neonatal T-cell immunity and its regulation by innate immunity and dendritic cells / David B. Lewis -- Breast milk and viral infection / Marianne Forsgren, Bj鋌rn Fischler, Lars Nav歋r -- Control of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the neonatal intensive care unit / Philip Toltzis -- Neonatal fungal infections / Charles R. Sims, Luis Ostrosky-Zeichner -- Effects of chemoprophylaxis for neonatal group B streptococcal infections on the incidence of gram-negative infections and antibiotic resistance in neonatal pathogens / Gary D. Overturf.
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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