語系/ Language: 繁體中文

Language and action in cognitive neu...
Coello, Yann.


  • Language and action in cognitive neuroscience
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    其他作者: BartoloAngela.,
    其他作者: CoelloYann.,
    出版地: East Sussex
    出版者: Psychology Press;
    出版年: 2013.
    面頁冊數: xvii, 357 p.ill. :
    集叢名: Contemporary topics in cognitive neuroscience series
    標題: Electronic books. -
    標題: Cognition. -
    標題: Brain - Localization of functions. -
    標題: Speech - Physiological aspects. -
    標題: Neurolinguistics. -
    電子資源: http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9780203095508
    摘要註: "This book collates the most up to date evidence from behavioural, brain imagery and stroke-patient studies, to discuss the ways in which cognitive and neural processes are responsible for language processing. Divided into six sections, the edited volume presents arguments from evolutionist, developmental, behavioural and neurobiological perspectives, all of which point to a strong relationship between action and language. It provides a scientific basis for a new theoretical approach to language evolution, acquisition and use in humans, whilst at the same time assessing current debates on motor system's contribution to the emergence of language acquisition, perception and production. The chapters have been written by internationally acknowledged researchers from a variety of disciplines, and as such this book will be of great interest to academics, students and professionals in the areas of cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, neuroscience, psycholinguistics and philosophy"--Provided by publisher.
    ISBN: 9780203095508
    內容註: section 1. Language and action : past, present and future section 2. The motor origin of language section 3. Action in language processing section 4. Action in language acquisition section 5. Action in spatial language and numbers section 6. Language and action within the brain section 7. Language and action in cognitive neuroscience : a final note.
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