語系/ Language: 繁體中文

Heat transfer and fluid flow in biol...
Andrey V. Kuznetsov.


  • Heat transfer and fluid flow in biological processes
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Heat transfer and fluid flow in biological processes/ edited by Sid M. Becker, Andrev V. Kuznetsov.
    其他作者: Becker, Sid M.
    出版者: Amsterdam :Elsevier Academic Press, : 2015.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (xii, 415 p.) :ill. :
    提要註: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Biological Processes focuses on emerging areas in fluid flow and heat transfer relevant to biosystems and medical technology. This book uses an interdisciplinary approach to provide a comprehensive prospective on biofluid mechanics and heat transfer advances, and includes reviews of the most recentmethods in modeling of flows in biological media. Authoredby internationally recognized researchers, each chapter provides a strong introductory section that reviews the current literature. This is useful to the experienced readers already active in the field as well as to newcomers who are interested in learning more about these areas. Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Biological Processes is an indispensable reference for professors, graduate students, professionals, and clinical researchersin the fields of biology, biomedical engineering, chemistry and medicine working on applications of fluid flow, heat transfer, and transport phenomena in biomedicaltechnology. Key Features: Provides a wide range of biological and clinical applications of fluid flow and heat transfer in biomedical technology, Covers topics suchas bioheat transfer, microbial transport, fluid-biofilm coupling, transdermal delivery, cardiovascular considerations, hemodynamics, and flows in microscale environments. Reviews the most recent advances in modelingtechniques. Book jacket.
    標題: Body fluid flow. -
    電子資源: click for full text
    ISBN: 0124080774 (electronic bk.)
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