語系/ Language: 繁體中文

Complex systems in medicinea hedgeho...
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  • Complex systems in medicinea hedgehog's tale of complexity in clinical practice, research, education, and management /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Complex systems in medicine/ by David C. Aron.
    其他題名: a hedgehog's tale of complexity in clinical practice, research, education, and management /
    作者: Aron, David C.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2020.,
    面頁冊數: xviii, 255 p. :ill., digital ; : 24 cm.;
    提要註: This unique title explores complex systems in clinical medicine and the subsequent implementation of that knowledge into practice. Written conversationally and as a reflection on the journey of learning about complex systems, the book explores how knowledge of these systems can be applied to four key roles in academic medicine: clinical practice, education, research, and administration. Further, this title emphasizes how gaining an understanding of complex systems can greatly help a physician deal with the many challenges found in academic medicine. Unlike other books on complexity in medicine, which tend to focus on only one aspect of the management of patients, Complex Systems in Medicine deals with the multifaceted roles of a physician. The approach in this book is uniquely qualitative rather than mathematical, and is written to make it not only of interest to physicians, trainees, and allied health providers, but also to make it more accessible to a non-medical audience. The inclusion of personal anecdotes by the author provides concrete examples of the application of knowledge of complex systems in academic medicine. A first-of-its-kind contribution to the literature, Complex Systems in Medicine: A Hedgehog's Tale of Complexity in Clinical Practice, Research, Education, and Management is not only a novel reference for medical professionals, it is an accessible tool for the non-medical audience hoping to learn more about complex systems and their direct relevance to medicine, a field that deals with the infinite variety of humans and their ills. It illustrates the consequences of the interactive elements of patient care that make medicine both a science and an art.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Medicine/Public Health, general. -
    電子資源: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-24593-1
    ISBN: 9783030245931
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