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    Family theories /
    White, James M., (1946-)
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    • 家庭理論
    • by: 馬永年 ((基督教)); White,, James M. ((White, James M., 1946-)); White,, James M., (1946-); 克萊恩 ((Klein, David M., 1943-)); 梁婉華 ((基督教)); Klein,, David M., (1943-)
    • Language materials, printed : monographic
    • Language: 中文
    • Publisher: 五南
    • Place of Publication: 臺北市
    • Year of Publication: 2009.07
    • ISBN: 9789571157054
    • Availability: 1 Copie(s) available | 1 Copie(s) available for loan
    • based on 0 review(s)
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