語系/ Language: 繁體中文



羅倫佐的油 = Lorenzos
by: 影傑有限公司
珍愛姊妹情[DVD] = Margot at The Wedding
Baumbach, Noah
愛情三選一[DVD] = Definitely, Maybe
Fisher, Isla.
羅倫佐的油[DVD] = Lorenzo's Oil
Sarandon, Susan.
波希米亞狂想曲 = Bohemian rhapsody
Boynton, Lucy
人魔 = Hannibal. 特別版
史考特 ((Scott, Ridley))
by: 史考特 ((Scott, Ridley))
蘇西的世界 = Lovely bones the
Jackson, Peter
風雲人物 = Man of the year
賴文森 ((Levinson, Barry))
by: 賴文森 ((Levinson, Barry))
風聲 = The message
玩具總動員3 = Toy story 3
Unkrich, Lee
隔離島 = Shutter island
史柯西斯 ((Scorsese, Martin))
by: 史柯西斯 ((Scorsese, Martin))
越獄風雲 = Prison break : the complete f...
證人 = Witness. [DVD]
Mortensen, Viggo
by: Mortensen, Viggo
龍捲風 = Twister
Bont, Jan De
by: Bont, Jan De
127小時[DVD]=127 Hours
127小時[DVD] = 127 Hours
Franco, James
沈默的食物 = Our daily bread
葛霍特 ((Geyrhalter, Nikolaus))
by: 葛霍特 ((Geyrhalter, Nikolaus))
通天神探狄仁傑 [DVD] = Detective Dee
神偷奶爸 = Despicable me
Coffin, Pierre
神鬼奇航[DVD].3.加勒比海盜.世界的盡頭=Pirates of t...
神鬼奇航2:加勒比海盜=Pirates of caribbean 2: ...
冷山 = Cold mountain
齊薇格 ((Zellweger, Renee))
by: 齊薇格 ((Zellweger, Renee))
森林保衛戰 = Over the hedge
Johnson, Tim
往事如煙 = Things we lost in the fire
來自天堂的音符 = Escuchando a gabriel
納尼亞傳奇 = The chronicles of Narnia : 獅...
Adamson, Andrew
坎特柏利故事集 = The canterbury tales
BJ單身日記 = Bridget Jones's diary
馬奎爾 ((Maguire, Sharon))
by: 馬奎爾 ((Maguire, Sharon))
BJ單身日記 = Bridget Jones : 男人禍水; the e...
Kidron, Beeban
七月四日誕生 = Born on the Fourth of July. 特別版
Stone, Oliver
世貿中心 = World trade center
史東 ((Stone, Oliver))
by: 史東 ((Stone, Oliver))
出竅情人 = Just like heaven
薇斯朋 ((Witherspoon, Reese))
by: 薇斯朋 ((Witherspoon, Reese))
刺客聯盟 = Wanted
貝克曼比托夫 ((Bekmambetov, Timur))
by: 貝克曼比托夫 ((Bekmambetov, Timur))
哈拉猛男秀 = Deuce Bigalow : male gigolo
Mitchell, Mike
國家寶藏2 = National treasure 2 : 古籍秘辛; ...
特投桃 ((Turteltaub, Jon))
媽媽咪呀! = Mamma Mia!
羅伊 ((Lloyd, Phyllida))
by: 羅伊 ((Lloyd, Phyllida))
媽媽咪呀 = Mamma Mia!
羅伊 ((Lloyd, Phyllida))
by: 羅伊 ((Lloyd, Phyllida))
家有傑克 = Jack
Coppola, Francis Ford
by: Coppola, Francis Ford
將軍的女兒 = The general's daughter
魏斯特 ((West, Simon))
by: 魏斯特 ((West, Simon))
對不起,我愛你 = Sumimasen love
心靈投手 = The rookie
漢考 ((Hancock, John Lee))
by: 漢考 ((Hancock, John Lee))
悲憐上帝的女兒 = Children of a lesser god
Sugarman, Burt
慕尼黑 = Munich
甘迺迪 ((Kennedy, Kathleen))
by: 甘迺迪 ((Kennedy, Kathleen))
戀愛沒有假期 = The holiday
梅爾 ((Meyers, Nancy))
by: 梅爾 ((Meyers, Nancy))
最後一擊 = Cinderella man
霍華德 ((Howard, Ron))
by: 霍華德 ((Howard, Ron))
歌舞青春3 = High school musical 3 : 畢業季;...
奧特加 ((Ortega, Kenneth))
殺機邊緣人 = Raising cain
Palma, Brian De
母親 : 給父親的安魂曲
法網邊緣 = A civil action
饒利恩 ((Zaillian,Steven))
by: 饒利恩 ((Zaillian,Steven))
浩劫重生 = Cast away
齊梅基斯 ((Zemeckis, Robert))
by: 齊梅基斯 ((Zemeckis, Robert))
珍珠港 = Pearl Harbor
貝 ((Bay, Michael))
by: 貝 ((Bay, Michael))
窮得只剩下錢 = Amal
Mehta, Richie
by: Mehta, Richie
梅崗城故事 = To kill a mockingbird
Mulligan, Robert
小太陽的願望 = Little miss sunshine
法里斯 ((Faris, Valerie))
by: 法里斯 ((Faris, Valerie))
疾風禁區 = Goal!
坎農 ((Cannon, Danny))
by: 坎農 ((Cannon, Danny))
真情難捨 = At first sight
溫克勒 ((Winkler, Irwin))
by: 溫克勒 ((Winkler, Irwin))
真情難捨 = At first sight
溫克勒 ((Winkler, Irwin))
by: 溫克勒 ((Winkler, Irwin))
神鬼奇航 = Pirates of the Caribbean : 鬼盜...
Verbi, Gore
神鬼奇航2 = Pirates of Caribbean : 加勒比海盜...
Verbinski, Gore
神鬼認證[DVD] = The Bourne Ultimatum : 最後通碟
Damon, Matt
穿條紋衣的男孩 = The boy in the striped pyjamas
赫曼 ((Herman, Mark))
納尼亞傳奇 = The chronicles of Narnia : 獅...
Adamson, Andrew
絕地任務 = The rock
貝 ((Bay, Michael))
by: 貝 ((Bay, Michael))
碧海嬌娃[DVD] = Blue crush
蜜雪兒羅莉葛茲 ((Rodriguez, Michelle))
by: 蜜雪兒羅莉葛茲 ((Rodriguez, Michelle))
網住愛情 = Wimbledon
布魯克斯 ((Brooks, Adam))
by: 布魯克斯 ((Brooks, Adam))
縱橫天下 = The world is not enough
阿普特 ((Apted, Michael))
by: 阿普特 ((Apted, Michael))
美國心玫瑰情 = American beauty
Jinks, Dan
美麗境界 = A beautiful mind
霍華德 ((Howard, Ron))
by: 霍華德 ((Howard, Ron))
致命的吸引力 = Fatal attraction. 特別版; spei...
Lyne, Aerian
色, 戒 = Lust caution
菜鳥新人王 = Adventureland
莫托拉 ((Mottola, Greg))
by: 莫托拉 ((Mottola, Greg))
變臉 = Face/off
by: 吳宇森
超人特攻隊 = The ineredibles
Bird, Brad
超級盃奶爸 = The game plan
菲克曼 ((Fickman, Andy))
by: 菲克曼 ((Fickman, Andy))
輕聲細語 = The horse whisperer
芮德福 ((Redford, Robert))
by: 芮德福 ((Redford, Robert))
造雨人 = The rainmaker
陶格拉斯 ((Douglas, Michael))
by: 陶格拉斯 ((Douglas, Michael))
金法尤物 = Legally blonde
Luketic, Robert
金賽性學教室 = Kinsey
康敦 ((Condon, Bill))
by: 康敦 ((Condon, Bill))
隨身變 = The nutty professor
Shadyac, Tom
雷之心靈傳奇 = Ray
哈克福特 ((Hackford, Taylor))
by: 哈克福特 ((Hackford, Taylor))
面具 = Mask
Petter, Bogdanovich
by: Petter, Bogdanovich
驚悚 = Primal fear
Hoblit, Gregory
by: Hoblit, Gregory
魅力再射 = Bring it on again
桑多斯特范諾 ((Santostefano, Damon))
by: 桑多斯特范諾 ((Santostefano, Damon))
魅力四射3 = Bring it on : all or nothing
拉許 ((Rash, Steve))
魅力四射4 = Bring it on : 全力以赴; in it to...
拉許 ((Rash, Steve))
鷹眼 = Eagle eye
卡魯索 ((Caruso, D. J.))
by: 卡魯索 ((Caruso, D. J.))
黑色豪門企業 = The firm
波拉克 ((Pollack, Sydney))
by: 波拉克 ((Pollack, Sydney))
變形金剛復仇之戰 = Transformers : revenge of...
Bay, Michael.
阿凡達 = Avatar
Cameron, James
by: Cameron, James
心靈獨奏 = The soloist
Wright, Joe
愛情限時簽 = The proposal
萊契 ((Fletcher, Anne))
by: 萊契 ((Fletcher, Anne))
口是心非 = Duplicity
蓋洛 ((Gilroy, Tony))
by: 蓋洛 ((Gilroy, Tony))
公主與青蛙 = The princess and the frog
Clements, Ron
變形金剛 = Transformers : 復仇之戰; Revenge ...
貝 ((Bay, Michael))
終極假期 = Last holiday
Wang, Wayne
賴家王老五 = Failure to launch
麥康納 ((McConaughey, Matthew))
by: 麥康納 ((McConaughey, Matthew))
新娘大作戰 = Bride wars
Winick, Gary
戀夏500日 = 500days of summer
購物狂的異想世界 = Confessions of a shopaholic
Hogan, P. J.
畢業生行不行 = Post grad
極地長征 = Eight below
柯羅威利 ((Croweley, Patrick))
by: 柯羅威利 ((Croweley, Patrick))
2006同床異夢 = The break up
伴侶度假村 = Couples retreat
畢林斯利 ((Billingsley, Peter))
by: 畢林斯利 ((Billingsley, Peter))
魔鬼二世 = Junior
by: Reitman|bIvan
鼠來寶2 = Alvin and the chipmunks 2
樓上鄰居外星人 = Aliens in the Attic
舒茲 ((Schultz, John))
怪獸大戰外星人 = Monsters vs. Alien
弗寧 ((Vernon, Conrad))
by: 弗寧 ((Vernon, Conrad))
鼠膽妙算 = G-force
耶特曼 ((Yeatman, Hoyt))
by: 耶特曼 ((Yeatman, Hoyt))
第十四道門 = Coraline
獵殺代理人 = Surrogates
莫斯托 ((Mostow, Jonathan))
by: 莫斯托 ((Mostow, Jonathan))
屋頂上的提琴手 = Fiddler on the roof : 雙片裝特...
Jewison, Norman
唐山大地震 = Aftershock
卡特教頭 = Coach Carter
Schwahn, Mark
誘.惑[DVD] = Doubt
Shanley, John Patrick
by: Shanley, John Patrick
將軍的女兒 = The General's Daughter
Travolta,, John
神鬼奇航[DVD] = Pirates of the Caribbean...
維賓斯基 ((Verbinski, Gore))
色戒[DVD] = Lust Caution
Stein, Joseph
by: Stein, Joseph
不願面對的?相 = An Inconvenient truth
Guggenheim, Davis