語系/ Language:
Drugs and the pharmaceutical sciences;
drug stability:
drug stability:
pharmaceutical process validation/
pharmaceutical process validation/
automation and validation of informa...
automation and validation of information in pharmaceutical processing/
good manufacturing practices for pha...
good manufacturing practices for pharmaceuticals :
modern pharmaceutics/
modern pharmaceutics/
polymorphism in pharmaceutical solids/
polymorphism in pharmaceutical solids/
excipient toxicity and safety/
excipient toxicity and safety/
freeze-drying/lyophilization of phar...
freeze-drying/lyophilization of pharmaceutical and biological products/
handbook of pharmaceutical granulati...
handbook of pharmaceutical granulation technology/
oral mucosal drug delivery/
oral mucosal drug delivery/
managing the clinical drug developme...
managing the clinical drug development process/
containment in the pharmaceutical in...
containment in the pharmaceutical industry/
microparticulte systems for the deli...
microparticulte systems for the delivery of proteins and vaccines /
drug stability:
drug stability:
drug products for clinical trials:
drug products for clinical trials:
good laboratory practice regulations/
good laboratory practice regulations/
development of biopharmaceutical par...
development of biopharmaceutical parenteral dosage forms/
pharmaceutical experimental design/
pharmaceutical experimental design/
preparing for fda pre-approval inspe...
preparing for fda pre-approval inspections/
new drug approval process/
new drug approval process/
pharmaceutical excipients:
pharmaceutical excipients:
physical characterization of pharmac...
physical characterization of pharmaceutical solids/
good manufacturing practices for pha...
good manufacturing practices for pharmaceuticals:
percutaneous absorption:
percutaneous absorption: