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戴密契勒 ((DeMichele, Gary))

作品: 5 作品在 5 項出版品 1 種語言
職場的商業倫理 = Business ethics on the job by: Pile, Rod; 史克羅特 ((Schloat, Anson)); 戴密契勒 ((DeMichele, Gary)); Schloat, Anson; DeMichele, Gary; 歐尼利爾 ((O'Neill, John)); O'Neill, John; 派爾 ((Pile, Rod)) (書目-投影資料、錄影資料、電影片) , [剪輯]
體適能 = Total health : 身體組成與柔軟度; body composition and flexibility by: 戴密契勒 ((DeMichele, Gary)); DeMichele, Gary; 歐尼利爾 ((O'Neill, John)); 費雷強 ((Ferejohn, Michael G.)); O'Neill, John; Ferejohn, Michael G. (書目-投影資料、錄影資料、電影片) , [剪輯]
體適能 = Total health : 保持身體強健的十大理由; ten reasons to get & stay in shape by: 歐尼利爾 ((O'Neill, John)); O'Neill, John; 史克羅特 ((Schloat, Anson)); 戴密契勒 ((DeMichele, Gary)); Schloat, Anson; DeMichele, Gary (書目-投影資料、錄影資料、電影片) , [剪輯]
體適能 = Total health : 肌力與肌耐力; muscle strength and endurance by: O'Neill, John; Ferejohn, Michael G.; 歐尼利爾 ((O'Neill, John)); 費雷強 ((Ferejohn, Michael G.)); DeMichele, Gary; 戴密契勒 ((DeMichele, Gary)) (書目-投影資料、錄影資料、電影片) , [剪輯]
體適能 = Total health : 心肺功能體適能; cardiovascular fitness by: DeMichele, Gary; 戴密契勒 ((DeMichele, Gary)); Ferejohn, Michael G.; O'Neill, John; 歐尼利爾 ((O'Neill, John)); 費雷強 ((Ferejohn, Michael G.)) (書目-投影資料、錄影資料、電影片) , [剪輯]