• 煙囪之島 = A smoking island : 我們與石化共存的兩萬個日子; petrochemical industry, our dangerous companion more than fifty years
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: A smoking island
    Title Information: 我們與石化共存的兩萬個日子
    Author: 房慧真,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 余志偉,
    Place of Publication: 臺北市
    Published: 春山出版; 時報文化總經銷;
    Year of Publication: 2019[民108]
    Edition: 初版
    Description: 398面彩圖,彩像 : 21公分;
    Series: 春山之聲
    Subject: 環境社會學 -
    Subject: 石油化學業 -
    ISBN: 9789869735926
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
00381597 前棟3F一般圖書區(圖書館) 3F General Monographic Collections (Front Building) 一般圖書 一般圖書 (Book) 501.64 8533 2019 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0 SDG7
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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