30天減醣快瘦美國瘦身女王的125道料理,一年減重57kg的健康餐桌計劃 /
Williams, Brittany.


  • 30天減醣快瘦美國瘦身女王的125道料理,一年減重57kg的健康餐桌計劃 /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 30天減醣快瘦/ 布麗塔妮.威廉姆斯(Brittany Williams)作 ; 游卉庭譯
    Reminder of title: 美國瘦身女王的125道料理,一年減重57kg的健康餐桌計劃 /
    remainder title: Cook your way to a healthy weight with 125 easy and delicious recipes for your instant pot, electric pressure cooker, and multicooker
    Author: 威廉姆斯
    other author: Williams, Brittany.
    Published: 臺北市 :創意市集, : 2020,
    [NT 15000922]: 初版
    Description: 236, [1]面 :彩圖 :
    Notes: 譯自: Instant loss cookbook : cook your way to a healthy weight with 125 easy and delicious recipes for your instant pot, electric pressure cooker, and multicooker
    Subject: 減重 -
    Online resource: udn讀書館
    ISBN: 9789579199827
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