語系/ Language: 繁體中文



Six names of beauty
Sartwell, Crispin
by: Sartwell, Crispin
Philosophical romanticism
Kompridis, Nikolas
by: Kompridis, Nikolas
Cultural studies. Volume 12 Number 4...
Striphas, Ted
Globalization and language teaching
Cameron, Deborah
Problem-based learning in a health s...
Alavi, Christine (1943-)
Everyday life and cultural theory
Highmore, Ben
British cultural studies
Turner, Graeme
by: Turner, Graeme
Now read on
Vethamani, Malachi Edwin
by: Vethamani, Malachi Edwin
The language of television
Marshall, Jill
by: Marshall, Jill
The language of poetry
McRae, John
by: McRae, John
Literature, culture and society
Milner, Andrew
The language of advertising
Goddard, Angela
by: Goddard, Angela
History of English
Culpeper, Jonathan
by: Culpeper, Jonathan
Global media studies
Murphy, Patrick D.
by: Murphy, Patrick D.
Experimental theatrefrom Stanislavsk...
Evans, James Roose
Technology as symptom and dream
Romanyshyn, Robert D ((Robert Donald)) (1942.)
by: Romanyshyn, Robert D ((Robert Donald)) (1942.)
Dreams, a portal to the source
Whitmont, Edward C (1912.)
by: Whitmont, Edward C (1912.)
The Anatomy of madness : essays in t...
Bynum, W. F (1943.)
Handbook of research on teacher educ...
Cochran-Smith, Marilyn (1951-)
Edward Said
Ahluwalia, Pal
by: Ahluwalia, Pal
The language of newspapers
Reah, Danuta
Swann, Joan
by: Swann, Joan
An introduction to studying popular ...
Strinati, Dominic
An introduction to cybercultures
Bell, David
Classical rhetoric and modern public...
Marsh, Charles (1955-)
Transnational social support
Chambon, Adrienne S. (1949-)
by: Chambon, Adrienne S. (1949-)
Economic models for policy making : ...
Cohen, S. I.
Civil society and participatory gove...
Donaghy, Maureen M.
New dynamics in cross-Taiwan Strait ...
The myths we live by
Midgley, Mary
by: Midgley, Mary
McEvoy, Sean
by: McEvoy, Sean
British fiction of the 1990s
Bentley, Nick
Fully exposed:the male nude in photo...
Cooper, Emmanuel
A history of the English language
Cable, Thoms
Evidence-informed nursing : a guide ...
Abbott, Pamela.
Social order/mental disorder : Anglo...
Scull, Andrew T.
The social nature of mental illness
Bowers, Len (1955-)
Growth points in cognition
Claxton, Guy.
Cognitive therapy in clinical practi...
Beck, Aaron T.
Economics, sustainability, and democ...
Nobbs, Christopher L.
Economics of sustainable tourism
Cerina, Fabio.
Forests and development : local, nat...
Delacote, Philippe (1978-)
Economic geography
Anderson, William P. (1954-)
by: Anderson, William P. (1954-)
Ecologies and politics of health
King, Brian (1973-)
by: King, Brian (1973-)
Eco-innovation and sustainability ma...
Bossink, Bart (1967-)
Dropping the baby and other scary th...
Kleiman, Karen R.
Disability in Japan
Stevens, Carolyn S. (1963-)
by: Stevens, Carolyn S. (1963-)
Diagramming the big idea : methods f...
Balmer, Jeffrey.
Developmental neuropsychology
Glozman, Zhanna Markovna.
by: Glozman, Zhanna Markovna.
Cultural capital, identity, and soci...
Matthys, Mick.
Creating a sustainable economy : an ...
Marletto, Gerardo (1961-)
Counseling boys and men with ADHD
Kapalka, George M.
Contested forms of governance in mar...
Stead, Selina M. (1967-)
Communicating marginalized masculini...
Moshin, Jamie E.
Coastal erosion and protection in Europe
Williams, A. T. (1937-)
by: Williams, A. T. (1937-)
Climate economics : the state of the art
Stanton, Elizabeth A.
Civilization, nation and modernity i...
Cities and low carbon transitions
Bulkeley, Harriet (1972-)
by: Bulkeley, Harriet (1972-)
Chinese complaint systems : natural ...
China's ethnic minorities : social a...
Guo, Rongxing.
China and the Middle East : from Sil...
Middle East
Children's ways with science and lit...
Pappas, Christine C.
Changepower! : 37 secrets to habit c...
Selig, Meg.
Chamber music : a research and infor...
Baron, John H.
Caring and well-being : a lifeworld ...
Todres, Les (1953-)
Career counseling : foundations, per...
Stauffer, Mark D.
Building the new urbanism : places, ...
Passell, Aaron.
Beyond Pippi Longstocking : intermed...
Lindgren, Astrid (1907-2002)
Asian and Pacific cities : developme...
Shirley, Ian F.
Architectures of economic subjectivi...
Scott, Sonia Marie (1977-)
An emerging non-regular labour force...
Fu, Huiyan (1974-)
American democracy promotion in the ...
United States
Ambush marketing in sports : theory ...
Nufer, Gerd.
Aging and economic growth in the Pac...
Kohsaka, Akira.
Adventure tourism : meanings, experi...
Johnston, Tony.
Actor-network theory and tourism : o...
Johannesson, Gunnar Thor.
A realist theory of art history
Verstegen, Ian.
Contextualising narrative inquiry : ...
Trahar, Sheil
Women and transitional justice : the...
Yarwood, Lisa.
William Byrd : a research and inform...
Byrd, William (1539 or 40-1623)
by: Byrd, William (1539 or 40-1623)
Water management, food security and ...
Sivamohan, M. V. K.
Volunteer tourism : theoretical fram...
Benson, Angela M.
Visual culture in organizations : th...
Styhre, Alexander.
Ulrich Beck : an introduction to the...
Beck, Ulrich (1944)
Translucent building skins : materia...
Murray, Scott (1971-)
Tourists, tourism and the good life
Pearce, Philip L.
Tourist shopping villages : forms an...
Murphy, Laurie.
Tourist experience : contemporary pe...
Sharpley, Richard (1956-)
Tourism, climate change and sustaina...
Wilkes, Keith (1951-)
Tourism and retail : the psychogeogr...
McIntyre, Charles (1955-)
Tourism and national identities : an...
White, Leanne.
Tourism and crisis
Visser, Gustav.
by: Visser, Gustav.
The radical pedagogies of Socrates a...
Freire, Paulo (1921-1997)
The prehistory of Iberia : debating ...
Garcia Sanjuan, Leonardo.
The politics of energy : challenges ...
Vanderheiden, Steve.
The making of the Arab intellectual ...
Hamzah, Dyala.
The female romantics : nineteenth-ce...
Franklin, Caroline (1949-)
The economic geography of air transp...
Bowen, John (1966-)
The dual system of privacy rights in...
McThomas, Mary.
The cultural politics of Europe : Eu...
Patel, Kiran Klaus.
The cultural moment in tourism
Smith, Laurajane.
by: Smith, Laurajane.
Teaching English, language and literacy
Wyse, Dominic (1964-)
Teacher education and the challenge ...
Moon, Bob (1945-)
Teacher development in higher educat...
Simon, Eszter.
Systemization in foreign language te...
Decoo, Wilfried (1946-)
Sustainable marketing of cultural an...
Chhabra, Deepack (1963-)
Sustainable hospitality and tourism ...
Simons-Kaufman, Claudia.
Sustainable culinary systems : local...
Hall, Colin Michael (1961-)
Subjectivity in Asian children's lit...
Stephens, John (1944-)
Studying mobile media : cultural tec...
Burgess, Jean
Sport across Asia : politics, cultur...
Krawietz, Birgit.
Spirituality in clinical practice : ...
Sperry, Len.
Social theory in contemporary Asia
Brooks, Ann.
Slum tourism : poverty, power and ethics
Koens, Ko.
Setting performance standards : foun...
Cizek, Gregory J.
Day, Aidan.
by: Day, Aidan.
Roman elections in the age of Cicero...
Risk, risk management and regulation...
Pelzer, Peter.
Research methods in occupational hea...
Sinclair, Robert R.
Psychotherapy with older men
Vacha-Haase, Tammi.
by: Vacha-Haase, Tammi.
Primary school English-language educ...
Moon, Young-in.
Overseas Chinese in the People's Rep...
Online@AsiaPacific : mobile, social ...
Hjorth, Larissa.
Nuclear power and energy security in...
Koh, Swee Lean Collin (1982-)
by: Koh, Swee Lean Collin (1982-)
New thinking about the Taiwan issue ...
Hickey, Dennis Van Vranken.
New directions in picturebook research
Colomer, Teresa.
Multimodality, cognition, and experi...
Gibbons, Alison.
Multimodality in practice : investig...
Norris, Sigrid (1961-)
Multi-family therapy : concepts and ...
Asen, Eia (1946-)
Moral panics, social fears, and the ...
O'Malley, Tom (1955-)
Marketing technologies : corporate c...
Simakova, Elena (1973-)
Marketing management in Asia
Paliwoda, Stanley J.
by: Paliwoda, Stanley J.
Marketing and managing tourism desti...
Morrison, Alastair M.
Marine environmental governance : fr...
Techera, Erika J.
Managing service firms : the power o...
Skalen, Per.
Managing and marketing tourist desti...
Kozak, M. (1968-)
Management accounting research in pr...
Lyly-Yrjanainen, Jouni (1976-)
Liveness in modern music : musicians...
Sanden, Paul.
Lenin's terror : the ideological ori...
Soviet Union
Last chance tourism : adapting touri...
Stewart, Emma J.
Language, learning, context : talkin...
Roth, Wolff-Michael (1953-)
by: Roth, Wolff-Michael (1953-)
Language mixing and code-switching i...
Sebba, Mark.
Language and intercultural communica...
Sharifian, Farzad.
Landscape in children's literature
Carroll, Jane Suzanne.
by: Carroll, Jane Suzanne.
Internationalization, technological ...
Leoncini, Riccardo (1959-)
International perspectives on elder ...
Phelan, Amanda.
Innovative approaches to researching...
Ward Thompson, Catharine.
Infrastructure sustainability and design
Pollalis, Spiro N. (1954-)
by: Pollalis, Spiro N. (1954-)
Information and communication techno...
Ali, Alisha (1970-)
India's new economic policy : a crit...
Ahmed, Waquar.
Human-nature interactions in the ant...
Glaser, Marion.
Hotel design : planning and development
Penner, Richard H.
Homoeroticism in Imperial China : a ...
Stevenson, Mark.
Healthy aging in sociocultural context
Hoshino, Kazumi.
Health care reform and globalisation...
Watson, Margaret (1948-)
Governing the energy transition : re...
Verbong, Geert.
Going beyond the theory/practice div...
Lenz-Taguchi, Hillevi.
Global sport marketing : contemporar...
Desbordes, Michel.
Global ecology and unequal exchange ...
Hornborg, Alf.
Gendering and diversifying trade uni...
Hansen, Lise Lotte (1962-)
Future tourism : political, social a...
Leigh, James.
From testing to productive student l...
Carless, David.
Freight transport and the modern economy
Savy, Michel.
Foreign direct investment in China :...
Ng, Michael H. K.
Food practices in transition : chang...
Spaargaren, Gert.
Family, community, and higher education
Jenkins, Toby S. (1975-)
by: Jenkins, Toby S. (1975-)
Evil and moral psychology
Barry, Peter Brian (1974-)
by: Barry, Peter Brian (1974-)
Essential skills for managers of chi...
Newstead, Shelly.
Environmental policies for air pollu...
De Lucia, Caterina (1971-)
Environmental apocalypse in science ...
Fava, Sergio.
English-language pedagogies for a No...
Hadzantonis, Dimitrios Michael.
Very large scale PV power : state of...
Komoto, Keiichi.
Energy efficiency in housing managem...
Nieboer, Nico.
Education 3-13 : 40 years of researc...
Brundrett, Mark.
A new science of religion
Maclaurin, James.
by: Maclaurin, James.
A history of management accounting :...
Edwards, J. R.
Handbook of research on teacher educ...
Feiman-Nemser, Sharon.